Campanha de Limpeza

Get rid of the garbage in Shark Bay

In cooperation with the nature conservation authority and the city administration of Boa Vista, CaboKaiTours and its guests clean up the plastic waste in Shark Bay in the north of Boa Vista!

Plastic waste in the oceans is an international environmental problem. Unfortunately, the plastic plague has not spared Boa Vista either. There is a terrible amount of plastic, especially in the north of the coast of Boa Vista.
At some point I could no longer bear to simply look at the plastic waste and passively accept the horrified reactions of my dear guests. I thought to myself, why not use 15 minutes with the manpower of eight participants to gradually "de-trash" Shark Bay.

I am very grateful that my guests support this campaign with a lot of motivation and energy.

Every week there will be more garbage bags filled with plastic and slowly the picture of the polluted bay will change to normality!
On December 23rd, 2013, we started clearing away the plastic waste. We didn't give up, but instead cleared it away and burned it every year. Things are looking much better now! Of course, we can't save the world alone, but we can do our small part to make it a better place. A big thank you goes to my lovely guests!